Gum Myrrh (Black)- Commiphora erythraea

Scientific Name : Commiphora Erythraea
500 grams
1 KG
10 KG


Commiphora erythraea, commonly known as Black Myrrh, is a resinous gum obtained from the bark of the Commiphora erythraea tree. Here is some information about Black Myrrh:

Extraction: Black Myrrh is obtained by making incisions in the bark of the Commiphora erythraea tree. The tree is native to the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. The sap that oozes out of the tree is collected and left to dry, forming black or dark reddish-brown resinous tears.

Appearance and Aroma: Black Myrrh has a distinct appearance and aroma. The resin tears are dark in color, ranging from black to deep reddish-brown. They have a hard and brittle texture. When burned, Black Myrrh produces a fragrant, balsamic, and slightly sweet aroma with hints of earthiness.

Traditional and Ritual Uses: Black Myrrh has a long history of use in traditional medicine, perfumery, and spiritual practices. It has been used in various cultures and religious ceremonies for its aromatic and purifying properties. In ancient times, it was highly valued for its medicinal benefits and was used to treat various ailments, particularly related to the respiratory system and oral health.

Fragrance and Perfumery: Black Myrrh is a popular ingredient in perfumery, where it adds depth, warmth, and resinous notes to fragrances. Its aromatic profile blends well with other exotic and woody scents, making it a valuable component in oriental and incense-based perfumes.

Therapeutic Properties: Black Myrrh is believed to possess several therapeutic properties. It has been traditionally used as an antiseptic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory agent. It is also reputed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions.

Spiritual and Energetic Uses: In spiritual practices, Black Myrrh is often associated with purification, protection, and spirituality. It is believed to have grounding and centering properties, helping to create a sacred atmosphere and promote a sense of tranquility during meditation and rituals.

It's important to note that while Black Myrrh has a rich history of traditional use, scientific research on its specific effects and mechanisms of action is limited. As with any natural product, it is advisable to use Black Myrrh under the guidance of a knowledgeable practitioner and consult a healthcare professional for any specific health concerns or conditions.

Haggar, Gumi Myrrha, Heerabol, bisabol, Mo Yao,Mirra,Molmol,Guggal Resin,Pau-de-oleo,Somali Myrrh,Malmal,African Myrrh,Copaiba Yemeni Myrrh,Murr,Muyra,mirra,mirr, or AlMurra (Arabic), Myrrh des somalis commiphora molmol, malmal,Surasa,Gandharasa,Murr Makki,Morr, Commiphora malmal, Balsamodendron Myrrha